fp12's Tech blog

C++ / Python / Unreal Engine / Unity...

Welcome... back!

13 Jul 2020
  • meta
  • UE4
  • C++

Welcome back to my blog!

I know… You probably never went to the first iteration of this blog. I can’t blame you: I didn’t share it and I kept it secret until, well… I simply forgot about it. :)

Now, it turns out that I have quite a few topics in mind that I want to share. So I decided it was a good time to dust off this blog and start sharing… again.

On the short term (next few weeks), I would like to cover the Unreal Fest Online and give my feedback on the conferences I’m interested in:

Games track:

  • Unreal Engine for Next-Gen Games
  • Optimizing and Building UI for AAA Games
  • Harnessing the Unreal Engine Automation Framework for Performance Measurement
  • The Evolution of Real-Time VFX with Unreal Engine’s Niagara
  • Make it Fast: Simultaneous AI Actions in Gears Tactics
  • Benefits and Pitfalls of Using Gameplay Abilities Framework
  • Speeding up Game Logic in Unreal Engine
  • Building Worlds in Fortnite With Unreal Engine

Cross-industry track:

  • Diving Into Niagara: Intelligent Particle Effects
  • How to Use Blender with Unreal Engine
  • Collect, Analyze, and Visualize Your Data with Unreal Insights
  • Building Advanced Effects in Niagara with Unreal Engine
  • Applying for an Epic MegaGrant: Make Your Submission Stand Out

And that’s already quite a lot! I think I’ll slowly release my feedback on a few videos at once.

For the longer term, I’ll probably cover other conferences but I also want to share more “personal” content: a few experiments in C++, some quick tips in Unreal, and even some more high level programming thoughts.

  • Different flavors of range for, applied in Unreal Engine 4
  • Meta programming in C++17
  • Dithering for UMG in Unreal Engine 4
  • Call-site context in C++
  • Maybe, maybe… the part #2 from Building an ingame console… :)

That’s all for now!
If you have any suggestions, or topics you want me to cover, feel free to reach me on LinkedIn! That’s where I’m active, and I’ll promote most of my posts there first (maybe sometimes on Reddit, if I dare…).
